

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843



十大菠菜台子为期三周的加纳教师项目. 学生们将亲自动手, 涉及影响妇女和儿童的社会问题的社区驱动经验. Students will collaborate with the Center for Learning and Childhood Development 加纳, 这是阿克拉的一个非营利组织. Participate in community-based health care through visits to facilities and community clinics, engage with 专业人士 to understand the health needs of a developing low- middle- income country. 

课程: PH 4750/5750:全球健康和社会问题(4学分) 

计划的日期: 2024年6月7日- 30日

申请截止日期: 3月1日(2月1日之前申请奖学金)


Kwame Sakyi,公共卫生助理教授



大家好,我是黛博拉. I am a second year graduate student in the Master of Public Health Program here at OU.

大家好,我是艾莉森·托马斯. 我目前正在学习护理.

Hi my name is Heather Davies and I'm currently  a student in a Master of Public Health Program.

Hi my name is Kayla and I'm a 公共卫生 student and we were all part of a group that traveled to 加纳 last summer for the global health and social issues study abroad course at 十大菠菜台子.

I decided to study abroad in 加纳 because it sounded like a very unique opportunity to experience a beautiful and culturally rich area and learned about health care from an entirely different point of view.

The trip focus on studying within a clinical setting in different areas of 加纳 and  learning a wide scope of things and so with me becoming a nurse in the future it was right up my alley.

I decided to study abroad in 加纳 because I wanted to learn about how a health system works within a cultural and social context that's new to me and to understand its unique strengths and challenges.

We went to a few schools we worked in a hospital setting alongside doctors medical, 专业人士, 这是一次大开眼界的经历. I really enjoyed shadowing their community health workers with 加纳's community health planning and services program also known as chips.

The most rewarding experiences for me were the days that we got to go to local schools and interact with students from kindergarten all the way to high school-age kids and being able to talk to them, 和他们一起玩, and to learn from them was an experience that I will cherish for a very long time. 当然,这次旅行并不全是为了医疗服务. We spent time with museums and visiting cultural sites and learning about the history of 加纳 and the Ashanti Kingdom. 我们能够沉浸在加纳文化的许多方面. 我们与加纳家庭共度时光 .我们去市场购物,我们尝试了很多新的美味的食物. We visited the Kakum National Park and walked on suspended canopies amongst the treetops in the rainforest. 我们甚至去金坦波瀑布游泳. 我得说去加纳让我有点吃惊. 我以为会超级热,而且, 你知道, 我有一个关于加纳会是什么样子的故事, 加纳人会是什么样子, 气氛就像——完全不同. 我们住在不同的有游泳池的度假胜地,我们在非常棒的餐厅吃饭. One of the biggest advantages to studying abroad in 加纳 is that it provided me with the chance to become immersed in a totally different environment. 我有机会去发现新的地方, meet new people and surround myself in traditions and cultures that are entirely different than my own. This trip would be a great opportunity for any student that wants to learn more about how things like culture education and history can affect someone's health and wellbeing. I would recommend this trip to anyone that's interested in health services and social determinants of health, 不管是公共卫生, 护理, 医学预科学校, 物理或职业治疗, 运动学和更多.

我肯定会说学生应该体验出国留学. 那是我第一次出国. 我对自己有了更多的了解,作为一个人,我的信念越来越坚定. 祈祷真的让我度过了难关,我的信念在旅途中变得更加坚定. 我想说的是,我和自己的关系也变得更加牢固了. I think that everyone should consider studying abroad because the exposure to new environments and new ways of doing things definitely brought into my view of the world but also the experience and practice of being open-minded and curious was a great lesson in how to approach things that are different or don't make sense at first and that's a lesson that I think can benefit anyone, 不管你学什么.

We learned and explored so much that would benefit anyone and I think that everyone should consider studying  abroad. 如果你能问我是否愿意再来一次, 是的, I will go back to Africa all again I will do the trip from beginning to end all again. 这次旅行我交了很多不同的朋友, 认识了很多不同的人, 学到了很多文化知识, 在学业上, 就我个人而言, 这是一种全方位的体验. 我说去吧.

If you are interested in taking this course or learning more about it scan the QR code to add yourself to the email list for updates and reminders,. We also put here the course page with all the details of the course and the payments and below that is the 国际教育 payment site where you can find scholarship information. Everyone in our group took advantage of available scholarships which definitely helped make the trip more affordable. 非常感谢你的聆听,我希望你很快就能去旅行.


学生们作为一个团体一起飞行 阿克拉它是加纳的首都,位于西非大西洋沿岸,以“ Makola市场巨大多彩的集市. Popular seafront spots Labadi Beach and Kokrobite Beach offer golden sand and high-energy nightlife.

三个星期, students will engage with caregivers to understand the living experiences of families in a low-middle income country and explore contemporary social issues, 问题, 争议, 以及全球卫生的潜在解决方案, 特别是在发展中国家.

参观历史和文化遗址,了解殖民主义是如何发生的, 奴隶制, 环境条件, 社会经济因素影响健康和发展. 其他值得参观的地方包括 海岸角城堡,卡库姆国家公园,马科拉市场,国家文化中心和 Bojo海滩.



要求: 平均成绩不低于3分.0是必需的. Students who don’t meet the GPA requirement may still be eligible and should speak with OU’s 国际教育 Office prior to applying.

课程: PH 4750/5750:全球健康和社会问题(4学分)

Those who take this class during the academic year and are interested in the field experience, 你会以独立学习学生的身份注册这门课程吗.

学生参与社区活动, 非营利相关项目,并参观卫生设施或社区诊所. Lectures will provide theoretical lenses to understand and critique issues and policies relating to health and development in 加纳.


该项目向不同背景的学生开放, 包括生物学, 神经科学, 护理, 健康和推广, 公共卫生, 医学预科, 牙科预科学生. 社会学专业的学生, 社会工作, 妇女研究, 人类学, 心理学, 欢迎对健康问题感兴趣的人.


Students will stay at the University of 加纳 International Students Hostel or other hostel in 阿克拉, 加纳.

学生可以在许多餐厅独立购买餐食, 咖啡馆和小酒馆遍布整个地区. 加纳最受欢迎的美食包括fufu(一种类似土豆泥的菜肴), Banku(一种发酵的玉米面团), Kenkey(发酵的玉米和木薯面团), 还有waakye(米饭和豆子).


学费: 4个学分

You will enroll in and you will be charged for these credits on your eBill at your normal rate of tuition.

项目费用: $4,000

通过我们的市场支付系统支付给OU,包括:机票, 住房和大部分膳食, 在加纳期间的地面交通和所有短途旅行, 还有健康保险.

额外费用: $895

您将需要额外的资金来支付这些未包括在项目费用中的费用. 数额是估计的.

奖学金和经济援助: You are able to use financial aid to cover your full cost of attendance to this program (tuition, 项目费用及额外费用). 奖学金也可以通过你的留学申请获得.