

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

315例行维护, 资本资产管理, and Miscellaneous Facilities Management Departmental Services


理由是: To provide standards for determining appropriate funding sources for Routine Maintenance, 资本资产管理 and Miscellaneous Facilities Management Department services.

政策: 普通基金设施(学术设施)的日常保养, 行政, 校际体育, 停车甲板/很多), 公用事业服务, 道路, walkways and grounds up to each building is funded from the General Fund, primarily via Facilities Management Department (FM) operating budgets, 只要资金到位. 资本资产管理 (CAM) is funded via special allocations, 准捐赠的投资收益, 债务, 调频服务费, 工厂更新预算或其他来源. Routine Maintenance and CAM of Auxiliary Fund facilities (e.g. 住房, 高尔夫及学习中心, 草地溪厅, 梅多布鲁克露天剧场, 梅多布鲁克剧院, 奥克兰中心,  你公司., 和肖特韦尔馆, except as defined by management agreements) are funded from Auxiliary operations.  Auxiliary units fund costs associated with parking decks and lots when those decks and lots are designated for the primary use of the Auxiliary patrons (i.e. P-51, P-61, Nicholson Apartments (P-9), Matthews Apartments (P-12)). Miscellaneous FM Services are funded by requesting departments via 调频服务费 or external contractors.  All CAM projects needing to be accounted for in the Plant Fund require FM approval to establish a 横幅 fund.

适用范围及适用性: This policy applies to all Routine Maintenance, CAM 及杂项调频服务.



日常维护: Routine Maintenance is repairs and physical improvements of a planned, preventive nature. Funding for Routine Maintenance is typically budgeted via operating budgets.

资产管理(CAM): CAM includes three distinct components and is funded from various sources, including Plant Renewal budgets and Departmental operating budgets, 但不包括FM运营预算;

  1. 植物更新: Plant Renewal is cyclic repair and replacement that extends the life and retains the usable condition of campus facilities and systems. It also includes necessary upgrades related to code changes and new environmental and safety standards. Plant Renewal requirements are normally predictable through life-cycle analysis (e.g. roofing, heating and cooling systems, electrical switchgear, 等.).

  2. 延期植物更新: Deferred Plant Renewal (more commonly known as “Deferred Maintenance”) encompasses Plant Renewal measures that are not carried out because of under-funding in the budgeting process or perceived low priority.

  3. 植物适应: 植物适应包括改造, remodeling and alterations which convert or upgrade space for a new or revised purpose or program. It also includes functional improvements in response to changes in academic disciplines; shifting expectations for academic and 行政 support services; and altered markets for faculty and students.

杂项调频服务: 杂项调频服务包括车辆维修, 运动场地材料, 合同服务, 移动和设置, 绘画(non-classroom), 为特殊活动提供地板和支持服务, and are funded from the operating budgets or reserves of requesting departments.

程序: FM’s operating budget is funded for General Fund Routine Maintenance services.  除了, some funding is provided for limited Plant Renewal and Deferred Plant Renewal projects. FM的预算不包括植物适应的资金, 杂项调频服务或辅助设施. 因此, requests to meet new program needs involving Plant Adaptation or Miscellaneous FM Services must be funded by the requesting entity or special allocations. A funding source must be provided with the request for such services. (见附件1)

General Fund buildings may contain programs or activities that are not General Fund supported; and Auxiliary buildings may contain programs or activities which are General Fund supported. 

因此, when determining the funding source for Routine Maintenance the following applies:

  1. 无辅助活动的普通基金大楼: Routine Maintenance costs of General Fund buildings will be funded from the FM operating budget, 只要资金到位.

  2. 设有辅助活动的普通基金大楼: Routine Maintenance costs for Auxiliary programs or activities in General Fund buildings will be charged to the appropriate Auxiliary entity unless the maintenance or repair item is clearly part of the General Fund building’s general function such as main electrical feeds, 空气处理系统, 结构和机械系统, 等.  FM will maintain utility infrastructure, excluding distribution systems.

  3. 没有普通基金活动的辅助建筑物: Costs of Routine Maintenance in Auxiliary buildings will be charged to the appropriate Auxiliary entity.

  4. 设有一般基金活动的辅助楼宇: For Routine Maintenance needed by a General Fund program or activity in an Auxiliary building, 资金将来自FM的运营预算, 只要资金到位.

  5. 其他资助情况: 当资金来源有争议时, the issue should be submitted to the Vice President for Finance and Administration for resolution.

植物基金基金: 横幅 funds in the Plant Fund should be established for all Routine Maintenance, CAM and FM provided Miscellaneous FM Services projects with budgets exceeding $50,000. 除了, 横幅 funds may be established for smaller projects where separate tracking of funding sources and expenses would be beneficial.

服务请求:  所有例行维护请求, 资本资产维护, 及杂项调频服务, 包括预计的/请求的时间表, 要提交给FM吗, 通过工单请求向工作控制中心(见 OU美联社&p# 380工作单).


OU美联社&p# 380工作单

OU美联社&P #310建筑物改建、翻新及/或改装



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